Services provided: SEO
An online presence that needed attention, stat.
While Medical ID Fashions were previously doing well with their paid channels (inc Ads), competition was increasing and many terms were becoming unprofitable.
As revenues and traffic were stagnant, they were looking to grow organically with the goal to increase year-on-year revenues.
Stagnant traffic and sales:
Our records showed…
Our initial technical audit identified over 600 issues that were mostly created by the original build of the site and that were significantly limiting their organic growth. These included:
- Focusing on the same small handful of search terms across multiple pages of the site, with no clear plan of which pages were focused on particular keywords, leading cannibalization of potential rankings as relevancy for important keywords were diluted across different pages.
- Duplicate & missing Meta Descriptions on a significant percentage of pages on the leading to either repetitive or random, sometimes irrelevant snippets
- Incorrect handling of canonical tags
- Overstuffing of meta keywords tag
- Nonspecific duplicate Title Tags not designed to drive action by users nor provide relevant information to search engines about the content of the pages of the site
- Sitemap problems leading to inefficient crawling from search engine robots
- Slow page loads
- Incorrect implementation of redirects
- Robots.txt issues